Capital in the 21st Century: Chapter 3
Data provenance
The data were downloaded as Excel files from:
Loading relevant libraries and data
This document depends on the xlsx, reshape2, scales, and ggplot2 packages.
excel.file <- file.path(“../_data/Chapter3TablesFigures.xlsx”)
### scales for percent of the axes
Figures 3.1 and 3.2
These figures are based on Table TS3.1 and TS3.2. Here we read
data from the excel file and name the data series.
## Table TS3.1
tab = read.xlsx("../_data/Chapter3TablesFigures.xlsx",sheetName="TS3.1",rowIndex=9:19,colIndex=1:10,header=FALSE)
names(tab) = c("year","nat","nat_land", "nat_house", "nat_dom", "nat_foreign", "public", "public_ass", "public_debt", "private")
## Table TS3.1
tab32 = read.xlsx("../_data/Chapter3TablesFigures.xlsx",sheetName="TS3.2",rowIndex=9:19,colIndex=1:10,header=FALSE)
names(tab32) = c("year","nat","nat_land", "nat_house", "nat_dom", "nat_foreign", "public", "public_ass", "public_debt", "private")
The caption of the table TS3.1 lists the sources for this table
Source: Piketty-Zucman 2013, UK.xls, links frozen on 01-24-2013.
> Source: Piketty-Zucman 2013, France.xls, links frozen on 01-24-2013
for table TS3.2
Let’s make a function that will plot our data:
run31_32 = function(tab, num, country){
fdat <- tab[,c("year","nat_land", "nat_house", "nat_dom", "nat_foreign")]
names(fdat) <- c("year","Agricultural land","Housing", "Other Domestic Capital", "Net foreign capital")
# Make the data long for stacking
fdat <- melt(fdat, id.var="year")
names(fdat) <- c("year","capital_type","percent")
qplot(year, percent, data=fdat, geom="ribbon", position = "stack",
fill = capital_type, xlab= "Year", ylab= "Value of National Capital (% National Income)") + scale_y_continuous(labels = percent, limits = c(0, 8)) +
ggtitle(paste0("Figure ", num, ". Capital in ", country, ", 1700-2010")) + theme(legend.position="bottom", legend.background = element_rect(fill="transparent")) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1700, 2020, by=20))
Now we make Figure F3.1:
run31_32(tab, num = "3.1", "Britain")
## Warning: Removed 3 rows containing missing values (position_stack).
## ymax not defined: adjusting position using y instead
Figure F3.2:
run31_32(tab32, num = "3.2", "France")
## ymax not defined: adjusting position using y instead
In Figure 3.1 and 3.2 of Piketty, the axes are equally spaced, but correspond to different periods of time such as the first two tickmarks represent 1700-1750, a period of 50 years, whereas the last 2 tickmarks represent 1990-2010, spanning 30 years, and the ones before span 1970-1990, only 20 years.
Figures 3.3 and 3.4
Let’s make another function to create the plot for 3.3 and 3.4
run_33_34 = function(tab, num, country){
fdat <- tab[, c("year","public_ass", "public_debt")]
names(fdat) <- c("year", "Public Assets", "Public Debt")
fdat <- melt(fdat, id.var="year")
names(fdat) <- c("year", "Capital", "percent")
qplot(year, percent, data=fdat, geom=c("line", "point"), colour = Capital, xlab= "Year", ylab= "Public assets and debt (% national income)") + scale_y_continuous(labels = percent, limits = c(0, 2.5)) +
ggtitle(paste0("Figure ", num, ". Public wealth in ", country, ", 1700-2010")) + theme(legend.position=c(0.5, .8), legend.background = element_rect(fill="transparent")) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1700, 2020, by=20))
Figure 3.3
run_33_34(tab, "3.3", "Britain")
Figure 3.4
run_33_34(tab32, "3.4", "France")
Figures 3.5 and 3.6
Let’s make another function to create the plot for 3.5 and 3.6
run_35_36 = function(tab, num, country){
fdat <- tab[, c("year","nat", "public", "private")]
names(fdat) <- c("year", "National Capital (Public + Private)", "Public", "Private")
fdat <- melt(fdat, id.var="year")
names(fdat) <- c("year", "Capital_Type", "percent")
qplot(year, percent, data=fdat, geom=c("line", "point"), colour = Capital_Type, xlab= "Year", ylab= "National, private and public capital (% national income)") + scale_y_continuous(labels = percent, limits = c(-2, 9)) +
ggtitle(paste0("Figure ", num, ". Private and public capital in ", country, ", 1700-2010")) + theme(legend.position=c(0.5, .5), legend.background = element_rect(fill="transparent")) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1700, 2020, by=20))
Figure 3.5
run_35_36(tab, "3.5", "Britain")
Figure 3.6
run_35_36(tab32, "3.6", "France")