
On-Yomi: コウ、ク — Kun-Yomi: かぎ、ま.がる

Koohii stories:

1) [mantixen] 14-2-2007(60): Your elbow is bound up so that your biceps will stay flexed.

2) [FoxintheStars] 18-1-2011(18): In RTK1 Supplement as "hooked." A friend hooked someone literally, by binding them up with their hooked elbow.

3) [adrianbarritt] 2-12-2007(14): My elbow was bound up in a cast, making it impossible to keep it flexed.

4) [drwaltoa] 11-9-2011(6): Peter Pan tried to escape, but Hook hooked him by the elbow and bound him up.

5) [herman] 23-1-2009(3): At the risk of confusing with "captured" (frame 1018) I'm going to use "to capture" as the keyword since this kanji often shows up in kidnapping related compounds and flexed is hard for me to work with. Here, you bind up the kidnapping victim's arms together at the elbows behind his back when you capture him.