
On-Yomi: ハク、バク

Koohii stories:

1) [sethimayne] 22-9-2007(307): Ten specialties grants you the title of Dr. with a dot.

2) [fuaburisu] 29-7-2006(109): Watch for doctor (#1694 医), the sooner the better! In fact this kanji refers to someone well "learned", with extensive knowledge. This could apply to any kind of field. The kanji 医 ("doctor") is directly related to medicine. I would suggest to take away completely the idea of medicine here, and use a popular character whose name includes the keyword such as "Dr. Who", "Dr. Jekyll", even "Dr. Dobb's" if you're into programming.

3) [DanielC] 13-7-2008(37): Needles are a Dr.'s specialty.

4) [anthropic] 7-7-2008(31): Dr. Who weaves like a needle through the fabric of time, to drop in unexpectedly has become his specialty (#46 専) .

5) [cangy] 22-4-2010(17): Note: Use Ph.D. rather than Dr. to avoid confusion with doctor and to be more in line with common use of this kanji. Ten specialities grants you the title of Ph.D. with a dot.