
On-Yomi: カツ

Koohii stories:

1) [Francois] 1-4-2008(185): If you have a siesta with your mouthopen, you will wake up with a hoarse voice.

2) [nolusu] 17-7-2007(27): After taking a siesta, you find that your mouth is hoarse (after all you ARE thirsty remember).

3) [zodiac] 31-10-2008(25): When you are hoarse, it's time for your mouth to have a siesta. (I don't like relating this to thirst, mixed them up a few times).

4) [Istvan] 13-6-2007(10): Cheech's voice is always hoarse. Cheech, "Hey man you seen what happened to my mouth man? I can't talk right man.".

5) [Stevieman] 19-3-2010(9): If you break up SIESTA into tongue wagging in mouth, bound up, sitting man, you have somewhat the image of a prisoner begging. This gives you the general sense of BEGGAR. Using BEGGAR as a primitive is better I think. A thirst (#451 渇) beggar begs for water. A beggar speaks requesting an audience (#452 謁)(to beg for money), a beggar's garments are usually brown (#453 褐)(dirty), and BEGGARS SLEEP so much when they open their MOUTH, their voice is hoarse. (btw, chinese etymology: the bottom part of siesta means to beg).