
On-Yomi: — Kun-Yomi: く.しき、あや.しい、くし、めずら.しい

Koohii stories:

1) [Beeber] 12-6-2007(238): I find it strange that so many people commit suicide in Tokyo by throwing themselves in front of the train. To me when I look at this kanji, I see a train just about to come out of a tunnel, and above the man waiting for his oppourtunity where he can end it all.

2) [Christine_Tham] 30-7-2007(77): Imagine a ST. BERNARD DOG carrying a CAN instead of a barrel in rescue missions. How strange!

3) [Ninjasha] 12-12-2007(58): A dog that can do the "Can Can" would be a STRANGE sight indeed.

4) [Shishimai] 22-1-2006(26): It's 'strange' to see a St. Bernard driving 'The Little Engine That Could'.

5) [SammyB] 20-8-2008(18): A St. Bernard that can eat nails?! How strange!