
On-Yomi: ミョウ、ビョウ — Kun-Yomi: たえ

Koohii stories:

1) [amthomas] 11-6-2007(305): Exquisite women are few and far between.

2) [LeoOra] 27-1-2008(44): A geisha is an exquisite and delicate (another meaning of this kanji) women, however, even in the past there was only few of them.

3) [oohansel] 16-4-2009(31): Exquisite women are few.

4) [uchifly] 5-11-2009(16): All WOMEN are beautiful, only a FEW are EXQUISITE

5) [oRis1024] 20-7-2008(7): Women have exquisite taste - they only like few things.