
On-Yomi: シュ、ス — Kun-Yomi: まも.る、まも.り、もり、-もり、かみ

Koohii stories:

1) [certain] 5-4-2006(173): A GUARD is usually "glued" to the house he watches.

2) [rakutenka] 2-7-2007(65): A guard provides a measure of security to those under a roof.

3) [Ninjasha] 16-12-2007(37): A good GUARD should stick to your house like glue and be willing to take any measures to protect you.

4) [strobrod] 5-4-2009(12): A good guard never leaves the house he watches over. He's practically glued to it.

5) [jshield1] 21-4-2009(6): A guard gives those under a roof a measure of security.