
On-Yomi: ケイ、エ — Kun-Yomi: めぐ.む、めぐ.み

Koohii stories:

1) [Nukemarine] 13-8-2007(763): Too easy. Imagine the Wizard of OZ. There, the three heroes asked the Wizard for three FAVORS: the lion wanted courage of TEN men, the scarecrow wanted a BRAIN, and the tin man wanted a HEART. Ok, the lion bit is stretching but you have it memorized now, so who cares?

2) [samuize] 15-3-2007(38): If you would give someone 10 fields as a favor then you truly have a big heart. Or, people who do lots of favors for others have a heart as big as 10 fields, a "10-field-heart".

3) [joxn_costello] 7-12-2008(33): "Igor, do me a favor: go down to the morgue and pick me up ten brains – oh, and a heart, if they have any fresh!".

4) [usis35] 6-7-2008(19): -Do me a FAVOR, give me TEN FIELDS (I am talking to someone who owns a lot of fields), and I will thank you from my HEART !

5) [jameserb] 13-2-2008(12): "Ten fields and my heart for my lady's favor!" cried Lord Fancypants.