
On-Yomi: チョウ — Kun-Yomi: こ.りる、こ.らす、こ.らしめる

Koohii stories:

1) [raulir] 1-5-2006(280): Penal servitude is served until indications show that one has had a change of heart (learned one's lesson). Easily confused with punish (#679 刑) and penalty (#833 罰). Concentrate on the reasons behind the penal system ("changing people's hearts" here), instead of the penalty itself or the punishment (revenge) aspect. It may help to note that there's no sword, but a heart :-) (Note: 懲りる = learn from one's bad experiences).

2) [cjon256] 1-5-2009(170): Judge: You will serve a penal sentence until indications show you have a heart.

3) [tcjeff] 13-6-2008(28): Penal servitude is served until indications show that one has had a change of heart. In other words, when your iIndications changes from "I"M A BADASS MOUNTAIN KING TASKMASTER" to "I heart the world".

4) [cingold] 21-9-2009(20): The indications of a good heart are what is required to get you out of the penal system.

5) [blaked569] 10-2-2009(7): Penal servitude is served until indications show that one has had a change of heart. Remember in The Shawshank Redemption, Morgan Freeman wasn't released on parole until he had such a change of heart.