
On-Yomi: チョウ — Kun-Yomi: いど.む

Koohii stories:

1) [uchifly] 15-5-2009(173): The rabbit pointed his FINGER at the TURTLE and said, "I CHALLENGE you for a race!" The rest is history…

2) [mairov] 2-9-2007(103): Here comes a new challenge, try to kill Bowser, the giant Turtle using jut on finger.

3) [RoboTact] 5-9-2007(71): You are sure to take a challenge because your victory was portended. So you stand self-confident before your foe, point a finger at him and say "I will prevail, as was long portended!".

4) [Kurisu] 28-5-2008(50): Survivor Challenge! : Using only your finger, break open the turtle shell.

5) [szreter] 31-3-2008(40): It'd be a bit of a challenge to finger a turtle.