
On-Yomi: ジュ — Kun-Yomi: さず.ける、さず.かる

Koohii stories:

1) [Katsuo] 26-10-2007(231): "Please accept this finger," you say, imparting it to your yakuza boss.

2) [darg_sama] 3-11-2005(217): This character depicts a student and teacher. The teacher imparts his knowledge on the student, pointing the way and guiding with the finger. Meanwhile, the student sits there passively accepting the tutelage of his superior.

3) [sweetneet] 29-4-2006(43): Impart means to "grant a share of." so imagine yourself imparting a share of M&M's (with your fingers) and it being happily accepted by the recipient.

4) [Wosret] 15-11-2008(33): Allow me to impart my middle finger to those that do not accept others for who they are.

5) [pjhoover] 20-3-2008(22): Sistine chapel paiting. god stretches out his finger to impart humanity with his nature and adam would accept, but can’t.