
On-Yomi: コウ — Kun-Yomi: ひか.える、ひか.え

Koohii stories:

1) [Stormchild] 7-11-2006(317): With my fingers, I punch in my bank code and withdraw some money from my account. And now it's empty again, as usual!

2) [mspertus] 12-12-2007(77): If you find yourself in a fight with a karate master with no weapons or martial art skills, just your empty fingers, you should withdraw because 空手 (karate="empty hand") is more powerful than 控 (="empty fingers").

3) [senorsmile] 2-3-2008(22): WITHDRAW your FINGERS from the cookie jar if it is already EMPTY.

4) [cbogart] 17-1-2007(20): As in Aesop's fable: the monkey puts its hand in a jar to get a piece of fruit, but now it can't pull its hand out. It will have to empty its fingers before it can withdraw its hand.

5) [shang] 1-6-2009(17): This is a bit of an odd keyword choice from Heisig. "Withhold" would work a lot better considering how this kanji is used. As in restrain/hold yourself back ( 控える ) or withhold/deduct taxes ( 控除 ) or withholding a spare/reserve copy ( 控え ).