
On-Yomi: カン

Koohii stories:

1) [woelpad] 9-4-2009(34): Two birds high up in a tree drying out after flying through a storm. "How will we get back on track? We lost our bearings!" number one cries. "Don't worry," the other one says, as he flips out his mobile. "I have it bookmarked.".

2) [chibimizuno] 5-8-2009(19): I love to use dried leaves as bookmarks. Every time I go by a tree, I pluck off a couple of leaves and then dry them to later use as bookmarks.

3) [astridtops] 14-4-2007(6): He was reading his book up a tree, and used clotheslines for a bookmark.

4) [Doodsaq] 14-11-2009(2): I read till both my eyes were dry and I had massive wood poking up from below so I bookmarked my place and took care of business.

5) [kapalama] 1-11-2010(1): 旅の栞 , 栞紐 , bookmark (#2523 栞) しおり … Parts: 干 , 干 , 木 … Note: More common extended meaning is Guidebook … Story: In my bird watching guide book, I BookMark the pages with Dried bits of Tree sometimes leaves, but also sometimes strips of bark.