
On-Yomi: セイ、ショウ、シン — Kun-Yomi: きよ.い、きよ.まる、きよ.める

Koohii stories:

1) [rgravina] 16-8-2006(249): Pure sea water is always a radiant blue.

2) [partyrash] 4-2-2008(53): Bottles of water claim to be pure. They're generally in blue containers, because blue makes you feel like its that much more pure.

3) [bihzad] 16-4-2008(29): Pure water is pure blue.

4) [felicitygreen] 30-3-2006(8): Aristocrats who boast of the purity of their lineage claim to have blue blood, as suggested by the delicate blue veins showing under their pale, thin skin. Here one of them is moved to cut himself, letting a few blue drops out to show the purity of his ancestry, breeding and intentions.

5) [Thunderball] 17-10-2007(5): You can't say (せい) that there is anything purer than crystal clear blue water from the ocean.