
On-Yomi: ギ、キ — Kun-Yomi: いけにえ

Koohii stories:

1) [zwarte_kat] 28-4-2007(262): A cow that is righteous sacrifices her milk for the human race.

2) [dihutenosa] 2-9-2007(157): Cows are truly righteous animals. They SACRIFICE their milk so that we can have some. And if they don't have any left, they give a sheep a hand fiesta (good lord this is going too far) and give us that instead. What righteous cows.

3) [Danieru] 26-5-2008(102): There are two kanji that need to be kept separate: this one and animal sacrifice (#1559 牲). Think of it this way: here there is a cow and a righteous person (presumably a Hindu). One must be SACRIFICEd, so the righteous Hindu takes the place of the holy cow. But by the time frame 1559 rolls around, the Hindu is no longer alive to protect the cow, resulting in the cow's life ending in an animal sacrifice.

4) [Rivvie] 18-2-2008(65): Vegetarians sacrifice eating steak (cow) because they believe it is a righteous thing to do.

5) [MYRRIA] 28-9-2008(16): In the old testament times, COWS were SACRIFICE for RIGHTEOUSNESS.