rice-field footpath

On-Yomi: テツ

Koohii stories:

1) [mantixen] 29-7-2009(41): In the rice-field footpath I found a condom (used to protect you from the one in four crotches that shouldn't be done ヌde) of someone who couldn't afford a hotel.

2) [cameron_en] 4-11-2008(23): PRIMITIVE: Four crotches = orgy. The rice-field footpaths were where we used to have orgies back in the day.

3) [astridtops] 11-8-2006(19): The rice-field footpaths that run through the rice fields look like embroidery stitching from afar.

4) [aircawn] 17-9-2007(9): Rope ladder, like as found on the side of a large ship. The rice-field footpath depicted here is actually a rope ladder suspended a metre above the rice field. Don't let your limbs slip through!

5) [Nukemarine] 23-5-2008(7): The RICE-FIELD FOOTPATH obviously is around the RICE-FIELD. You'll see that on the ridge, the FOOTPATH is rice reeds that have been STICHED together to form a FOOTPATH over the ridge so that you don't slip into the RICE-FIELD and holds the ridge together.