
On-Yomi: サン — Kun-Yomi: そろ

Koohii stories:

1) [Stormchild] 2-8-2006(305): Before the time of digital calculators, people used old school calculators made of bamboo (abacus). It's not as easy as a calculator, but you don't need any batteries either. All you need are your eyes and your two hands.

2) [fuaburisu] 8-1-2006(117): Tip : you may see this as an Abacus, which is used to calculate. This particular ancient chinese Abacus has eyeballs in place of beads, and its frame is made of bamboo. You'd be amazed at how fast people can calculate with this, especially if they can use both hands at once to move the … eyeballs.

3) [akrodha] 13-1-2007(50): Gah! I just can't calculate this differential equation! So I take a sharp bamboo pen in each hand and jam them into my eyes out of frustration.

4) [stephan] 17-11-2008(27): Warning: a different abacus will be used later as a primitive, see how many (#1381 幾).

5) [mbaron] 18-8-2008(27): To calculate with the bamboo abacus, you need a sharp eye and both hands.