
On-Yomi: ショウ

Koohii stories:

1) [astgtciv] 4-4-2007(187): Condy Rice is actually white, but she uses special cosmetics made from dirt she found in a cave to appear black - it's better for the political situation.

2) [nac_est] 17-7-2007(168): Modern cosmetics are just the descendants of the old RICE flour and CAVE DIRT ('cause it's darker) used in the past.

3) [ihatobu] 14-11-2007(80): Cave soil is bat guano (feces). A derivative of guano called guanine is sometimes used in the production of mascara. Rice extracts like starch and oil are used in a range of cosmetic and hygiene products for their moisturising and nourishing effects on the hair and skin.

4) [wrightak] 26-5-2006(24): An American cosmetic company has discovered a cave whose soil can be used to make outstanding cosmetic products.

5) [Katsuo] 19-3-2013(19): Note: Right side 庄 later appears as a separate kanji shire (#2238 庄). Story: The rice grown in this shire is used for cosmetics.