
On-Yomi: チャ、サ

Koohii stories:

1) [wreckz] 21-1-2008(214): Some people think drinking tea is boring and quaint. That's why I spice mine up by adding a cocktail umbrella, which of course is made from a wood-en toothpick supporting a paper umbrella with flowers printed on top.

2) [ceeeps] 13-9-2007(92): When I drink herbal tea I like to drink it under a parasol. If it's too hot I go "ho, ho, ho !!" (katakana ホ).

3) [gsantise] 26-8-2007(39): Tea is made from flowers dried under a canopy held up with wooden poles.

4) [activeaero] 20-8-2008(30): The "flowers" of the "umbrella tree" make the best TEA.

5) [ChieShorts] 23-2-2012(18): That sexy ho (ホ) under the flowery umbrella is just my cup of tea.