laid waste

On-Yomi: コウ — Kun-Yomi: あら.い、あら-、あ.れる、あ.らす、-あ.らし、すさ.む

Koohii stories:

1) [Zarxrax] 13-4-2008(214): After Godzilla laid waste to the city, the survivors put some flowers on the bodies of the deceased and floated their bodies down the stream.

2) [ziggr] 28-8-2006(90): Laying waste is just a euphamism for flushing poop down the toilet. It smells nothing like flowers, more like deceased flowers, and it's flushed down into a stream of sewage. Use "waste" to avoid destroy (#365 滅) demolition (#400 壊).

3) [cheechuan] 29-10-2007(26): Hurricane Katrina laid waste to New Orleans….as a result, a stream of dead flowers floated into the sea.

4) [nicjsb] 8-9-2008(15): I laid my waste in the toilet, sprayed some flower-scented air freshener, then perished the waste I laid with the toilet's stream.

5) [uberclimber] 11-10-2010(6): The army that laid waste the entire region left nothing but flowers marking where thousands perished and blood flowed in streams. 荒い あらい rough, rude, wild; 荒っぽい (あらっぽい) : rough, rude; 荒廃 (こうはい) : ruin; 荒らす (あらす) : to lay waste, to devastate, to damage, to invade, to break into; 荒れる (あれる) : be stormy, lose one's temper.