
On-Yomi: シュウ

Koohii stories:

1) [mantixen] 15-2-2007(21): When shingling with flowers, they can often block up your mouth and ears unless you wear the proper safety gear.

2) [abaddon] 12-7-2008(13): Flower, deaf: The deaf guy was shingling the roof of his house with flowers (ecohouse). Being deaf was an advantage since he didn't hear the comment of his neighbours.

3) [zazen666] 25-2-2008(9): There I was, shingling my home with FLOWERS, when my next door neighboor opened his MOUTH. "What are you doing shingling you roof with FLOWERS?" "Listen!" I said, "Its my house and I will shingle it with what I want!!!".

4) [woelpad] 17-5-2008(5): I was a bit surprised to see the shingler on the roof on all fours with his mouth on the shingles. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm s(h)ingling out the mushrooms (mushroom (#2394 茸))", he said with his mouth full.

5) [sgrant] 30-6-2009(2): It's not a good idea to put mushrooms in your mouth while shingling your roof… for obvious reasons.