
On-Yomi: テイ — Kun-Yomi: やしき

Koohii stories:

1) [QuackingShoe] 22-7-2008(151): So fed up am I, I've finally built city walls around my residence to keep these Japanese from soliciting me with their business cards.

2) [Perry] 28-4-2010(87): The business card says his residence is just to the left of the city walls. Can you find it? Yep, got it.

3) [scotty28] 2-8-2009(85): Suggestion- since we have the pinnacle on the left(which had a great potential for imaginative stories as we explored the ultimate society), the right side will be the pinnacle's opposite - the slum. It's so dangerous that a steep menacing city wall has been erected to keep its denizens in(and protect those outside). story: If your calling card said your residence was the slum, you'd be too ashamed to show it to anyone.

4) [adrianbarritt] 28-8-2007(45): There are so many places of residence inside the city walls, I put a calling card outside mine so I can find my way home.

5) [Odieone] 18-1-2009(12): My business card shows that my residence is within the city walls.