large goose

On-Yomi: コウ

Koohii stories:

1) [mantixen] 15-2-2007(45): A bird often found near creeks is the large goose.

2) [dihutenosa] 10-8-2008(6): This is a large goose that has flown into a craft area - aka a construction site. It flies in and sits in a small pond of water and makes itself at home. The construction workers are about to get rid of it when they notice that it makes some really, really terrible honking noises - as a matter of fact, those noises sound just like construction work. They realize that if they keep the large goose around, they can take breaks without their boss realizing!

3) [synewave] 25-2-2007(1): A lady I know has this character in her last name so I'm going to think of her as mother goose. When I'm up the creek I call this old bird to come and do a bit of translation for me.

4) [astridtops] 3-1-2007(1): This large goose is a bird who is very crafty in finding food in the water.

5) [Boy.pockets] 20-1-2011(): If you see a bird down by the creek, it is probably a large goose.