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On-Yomi: ゴ — Kun-Yomi: いつ、いつ.つ
Koohii stories:
1) [NooNoo] 11-4-2008(236): 三 + two vertical lines = 5.
2) [Branduil] 25-2-2006(36): This Kanji looks like a "3" Kanji with two added vertical lines. 3+2= 5.
3) [gaijingo] 16-6-2006(33): Five - has a THREE, and a small 'h'… 'high five'.
4) [verne710] 10-7-2009(13): The letter 'F' is skiing for the 'five' trophies.
5) [overture2112] 8-11-2010(7): The King (king (#255 王)) leaned on the magical walking stick in his left hand which the wizard said would let him "go" (ゴ) through the fifth dimension.