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On-Yomi: シン — Kun-Yomi: おか.す
Koohii stories:
1) [matt_jenkins] 21-4-2008(187): The parson ENCROACHES on the French maid; driven wild by her little broom, dainty tiara and sinfully short skirt showing her knickers (crotch)!
2) [notgoing2argue] 23-7-2007(62): Mr T. hits a condom salesman (broom + crown + crotch) over the head with a broom because the dude ENCROACHed Mr. T's privates area during the sale.
3) [Katsuo] 8-3-2009(49): "I pity da fool who encroaches on me". Mr T. is dressed as a French maid (= broom + crown + crotch), working undercover at a hotel that has a problem with guests misbehaving towards female staff.
4) [RoboTact] 18-3-2007(41): Right side is similar to accept (#735 受), except that instead of birdhouse here we have a broomhouse. I assign broomhouse meaning to whole primitive. – Mr. T locks in a broomhouse anyone who encroaches upon his position of leadership.
5) [Nukemarine] 14-11-2007(22): Here we see the sex starved Marine SENTRY about to ENCROACH upon the French MAID (broom, crown, and a nice crotch?). Makes for an easy mental picture.