
On-Yomi: ゾク

Koohii stories:

1) [smithsonian] 9-4-2007(142): Mr. T says, "Don't be like them valley girls, always speaking vulgar language and acting all vulgar! They ain't nothing but foos!".

2) [fuaburisu] 10-10-2005(55): Mr T meets the vulgar (common) people of the valley and participates in the vulgar customs (folkways). Looking at the vulgar (common) people, Mr T says - “I pity you foo!”.

3) [jameserb] 16-3-2008(30): Most of the personages in the valley are vulgar types – miners, farmers, day laborers.

4) [andresito] 11-5-2009(17): Oh nooo! Mr.T tasting a female valley, how vulgar!

5) [sgrant] 16-11-2008(11): Anakin Skywalker hated the Tuscan Raiders because of their vulgar animal-like behaviour. When they took his mother, he decided to go down to the valley where they lived, and murder them all.