
On-Yomi: シャ、ジャ — Kun-Yomi: うつ.す、うつ.る、うつ-、うつ.し

Koohii stories:

1) [smithsonian] 16-5-2007(259): A crown was bestowed to the British royalty museum, but it was only a copy.

2) [pm215] 16-4-2008(84): True fact: in the UK the right to print a copy of the KJV Bible is bestowed by the crown – there are only a few authorised bible printers. (see

3) [narazumono] 8-12-2008(57): A crown is bestowed upon each Burger King patron, why not? It's just a cardboard copy.

4) [ruisu] 10-12-2007(22): I actually knew this one, until Heisig's keyword threw me off. Heheh. It's the very part of the very familiar kanji for photograph: 写真 (しゃーしん), which is what I will let this kanji represent.

5) [Nukemarine] 13-10-2007(20): I think of the COPY of the CROWN that was BESTOWED upon David after he slew Goliath with ONE SLING.