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On-Yomi: コ — Kun-Yomi: ふる.い、ふる-、-ふる.す
Koohii stories:
1) [Thaliel] 8-7-2006(191): Tombstone and cross on an old man's grave.
2) [rajivp] 31-10-2007(76): You get OLD fast if you have ten open mouths to feed.
3) [deusclivio] 7-1-2009(39): Old people tend to talk a lot. Almost as if they had TEN MOUTHS!
4) [MatthewThomas] 14-1-2008(22): The old man had only 10 teeth in his mouth.
5) [gfb345] 13-6-2010(14): A story is OLD when it has been told by TEN MOUTHs.