
On-Yomi: ケン

Koohii stories:

1) [astridtops] 12-2-2007(79): To clamor means to open your mouth and proclaim loudly your opinions.

2) [herman] 22-11-2008(16): I picture those guys on the street in Japan with a megaphone next to their mouth proclaiming something very loudly and creating a clamor being totally annoying.

3) [ikmys] 24-4-2007(7): For this keyword, I am reminded of the Night Before Christmas, with the father awakening to see what was the clamor, and his mouth dropping open as he sees the fat bearded man spanning the rooftops (bounding from one house to the other).

4) [Django] 26-11-2009(2): At a music festival there is a great clamour for Mick Jagger to depart the stage and for The Proclaimers to come on, much to the chagrin of the Englishman.

5) [kapalama] 3-11-2011(1): 喧嘩 , 喧しい , (2 readings), 喧噪 ,clamor (#2163 喧) ケン( 宣 ), (かまびすしい), やかましい … Parts: 口 , 宣 (cf: 宣伝 proclaim (#188 宣), 恒久平和 620) … Similar Keywords: 騒ぐ boisterous (#1985 騒), 喧嘩 clamor (#2163 喧) … Story: "The Proclaimers" make such a Clamor with their Mouths as they walk 500 miles, and it is all to start a fight.