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On-Yomi: ソ — Kun-Yomi: でく
Koohii stories:
1) [samueruht] 15-2-2008(215): A legend says that if you model a mountain goat (with tail and everything) from dirt and leave to the light of the moon on the first day of the month (#2846 朔), the dirt will became flesh. (blackstockc).
2) [blackstockc] 28-1-2008(74): If you model a mountain goat from "soil" and leave it under the full "moon," it will come to life.
3) [akrodha] 15-6-2007(36): Think of a Chia Pet. One of the very first models was a mountain goat made entirely of soil, but it wasn't stable at all. The soil would crack and dry up in sunlight, so the only way to give a soil-based Chia Pet some light was to leave it in the soft glow of the full moon. They were spectacular, but the clay models soon proved to be easier to sell.
4) [Katsuo] 22-11-2007(35): Tip: mountain goat and moon are later combined into first day of the month (#2846 朔).
5) [Neobeo] 26-12-2008(9): The mountain goat, who has the cow as its role model, also tried to jump over the moon. Unfortunately it couldn't even lift itself off the ground.