
On-Yomi: ニン、ジン — Kun-Yomi: はら.む、みごも.る

Koohii stories:

1) [Raichu] 1-12-2006(170): A pregnant woman is a porter of her child.

2) [cameron_en] 22-6-2008(79): A woman becomes pregnant when a drop of gentleman gets inside her.

3) [ruisu] 5-11-2007(53): The gentleman gave the woman a bit of sperm…BAM PREGNANCY!

4) [howdycowdy] 13-3-2008(19): In PREGNANCY, a woman needs a porter to carry her bags to her room.

5) [dingomick] 7-2-2007(11): (Image: pregnant woman in traditional Japanese home yelling at her cowering saumari husband for pickles and ice cream. He dutifully obliges with great bowls of them on his head).