On-Yomi: シ
Koohii stories:
1) [Megaqwerty] 15-6-2007(34): Well, yeah, the kid's assiduous: he's got that taskmaster on his back all the time! What else would you expect?
2) [cameron_en] 9-11-2008(12): Assiduous children make assiduous taskmasters.
3) [Django] 17-2-2010(5): I'm surprised at how many people seem to think that the key-word 'assiduous' has negative connotations. A quick glance at a decent dictionary will tell you that it is a synonym of diligence, though its emphasis lies more with the painstaking care with which one might go about a task. For this kanji, the assiduous child assiduously did as his taskmaster told him, all the while assiduously planning his escape.
4) [DrWarrior12] 29-3-2009(4): (Means unceasing; persistent.) 孜 : Kids in the backseat: "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" Me (the taskmaster): "No! Shut up! Geez…" But they continued, "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?…" Such assiduous children.
5) [dihutenosa] 27-7-2008(3): The Hitler Youth had to say their Hitler Youth pledge every single day, which consisted of the following: "We are the young children of the Hitler Youth, and we will work our hardest and do our best…in other words, we will be assiduous". Rough.