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On-Yomi: ショウ、ソウ — Kun-Yomi: まさ.に、はた、まさ、ひきい.る、もって
Koohii stories:
1) [cjon256] 1-5-2009(345): The leader in this race is the turtle! It appears he has covered the vulture’s feet in glue, so that the vulture cannot get off the starting block.
2) [Doodsaq] 18-12-2007(73): X-men and TMNT join forces: Their new leader is an awsome asshole. He is simply Wolverine and Raphael glued together back to back (the biggest assholes from both groups combined).
3) [esaulgd] 9-4-2007(43): Once upon a time a turtle managed to trick a vulture into gluing itself to the turtle's shell. This way the turtle could now fly anywhere and became the leader of the turtles.
4) [theBryan] 25-7-2008(32): A great leader must have three things: The robustness of a turtles shell. The shrewdness of a vulture. People that will stick to him like glue and follow him anywhere.
5) [uberclimber] 13-1-2011(18): A leader should possess the qualities of the turtle - patience and persistance - and the eagle - aggression and good sight. And loads of charisma, so the followers stick like glue. 将来 しょうらい future; 将軍 しょうぐん General.