
On-Yomi: — Kun-Yomi:

Koohii stories:

1) [raulir] 4-1-2007(257): A dog waves its furry tail like a flag.

2) [noname] 12-3-2008(50): A FLAG of FUR is a TAIL.

3) [Shibo] 22-6-2008(17): I taught my dog to use the toilet. Great, right? Problem: Her tail is too long. It dips in the toilet as she tries to sit and now the fur smells like pee. Plus she splatters everyone with pee water when she wags her tail. Ew! (Note: I use "pee" for the flag primitive).

4) [bihzad] 8-5-2008(11): Animals wave their furry tails like flags, indicating their mood.

5) [peacemik] 16-9-2008(7): A flag-loving nationalist paints the fur on the tail of his furry dog in the colors of the national flag, and together they go to watch the military parade. The nationalist waves his flag, while the dog wags his furry tail. 尾 (お): tail, ridge, caudal 尻尾 (しっぽ): tail (of an animal) 追尾 (ついび): following, pursuing, tracking, tailing 尾骨 (びこつ): coccyx (tailbone) 水平尾翼 (すいへい びよく): tail plane (of an airplane).