

Koohii stories:

1) [astridtops] 24-6-2006(169): A municipality, like any type of government, adheres to having caves for offices (see government office (#591 庁)).

2) [mantixen] 6-7-2009(88): Even if a municipality is in a cave, you have to adhere to its policies.

3) [radical_tyro] 17-6-2007(34): Mr. T glues together the caves forming a municipality.

4) [partyrash] 22-1-2008(29): Adhere. Cave. Fu from Osaka-fu. In the municipality (fu) of Osaka you find advertisements adhered all over the subway tunnel caves.

5) [joesan] 17-10-2007(18): In this municipality there's a strange rule that you can only chew gum in caves.