
On-Yomi: フ、ホ — Kun-Yomi: こわ.い、こわ.がる、お.じる、おそ.れる

Koohii stories:

1) [mspertus] 19-4-2007(204): Someone in a dreadful state of mind has crawled into his bed and is hiding under the sheets (linens).

2) [dwhitman] 5-11-2007(58): From the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: Dreadful: (n) The state of mind of a frood who doesn't have a towel at his side.

3) [ihatobu] 7-9-2007(52): Being an android, Data is white as a sheet. Doctor Crusher always has to remind herself that this is perfectly normal. From a doctor's perspective, he really does look dreadful.

4) [fuaburisu] 10-10-2005(45): What would be your state of mind after seeing some linen animate and fly down a hallway (a ghost) ? Surely, full of dread. Hence, dreadful. Picture someone experiencing dread, trying to reach for the big switch on top of their head, to turn off their mind because they are so scared.

5) [zardoz73] 29-8-2008(25): Data goes to the holodeck and loads up dread. He's suddenly in a haunted gothic mansion, and a stereotypical ghost made of a mere linen sheet flies at him. "I do not understand this human emotion of dread. This is merely a sheet" he says.