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On-Yomi: セキ — Kun-Yomi: お.しい、お.しむ
Koohii stories:
1) [jmadsen] 13-2-2006(189): What a pity! My state of mind when i think of the opportunities I missed from once upon a time.
2) [ihatobu] 10-11-2008(85): "I pity da foo who borrowed my place in this kanji! (Watch out Data!).
3) [zz_alex_zz] 30-1-2008(60): Data says "What a pity" when he hears that once upon a time there were no robots.
4) [Raichu] 10-11-2008(38): A state of mind when you regret things done once upon a time.
5) [nac_est] 28-7-2007(18): "Pity? It was pity that stayed Bilbo's hand! Once upon a time he would not have felt it, but his state of mind changed, and he spared Gollum's life".