
On-Yomi: ケイ — Kun-Yomi: いこ.い、いこ.う

Koohii stories:

1) [synewave] 1-3-2007(274): Recess to me is a school break. At recess some kiddies are comparing their latest body piercings. Tongues and noses are nothing special. The new cool is to have your heart done!

2) [strugglebunny] 17-11-2008(104): At recess, little boys stick their tongues out and pick their noses while little girls draw hearts on the ground with chalk. It's winter now, so any tongues –left– out for too long will freeze.

3) [matt_jenkins] 13-4-2008(96): Ah recess; tongues slandering, noses being turned up, and beneath it all, young hearts being broken. Dominant in playgrounds is the noise of tongues, which helps me remember that in this kanji tongue comes first.

4) [Johan] 13-4-2006(52): The recess is a remote place for meditation. You sit meditating with other monks, breathing though your nose, holding your tongue (keeping quiet), and finding peace in your heart.

5) [j0k0m0] 2-6-2011(17): At recess…tongues flapping , noses running, hearts racing. wheeee! 休憩 きゅうけい Imagine the skinny teacher from The Simpsons saying "we're gonna have recess now children, nnnkay". けい.