
On-Yomi: オウ — Kun-Yomi: お.す、お.し-、お.っ-、お.さえる、おさ.える

Koohii stories:

1) [narafan] 2-10-2007(154): Push the roots down, instead of plucking the seedling.

2) [smithsonian] 4-3-2007(100): Use your fingers to make sure the roots of your plant are deep underground by pushing them down, down, down.

3) [Codexus] 26-12-2007(67): Push the button with your finger and get root beer!

4) [claxton] 25-7-2008(17): For those who liked the "bird's eye view of the tank" imagine a tank that has its tracks stuck in the sand. The big green machine is extremely hot from the desert sun as well as the heat its engine has created. With that picture in mind, this Kanji depicts what happens next when the soldiers get around the back of the tank and have to push it with their fingers because the surface is too hot for them to put their hands on.

5) [dihutenosa] 10-5-2008(16): You are wearing your cool new Ninja Turtles Shell Armour and you realize that there's a little button with a finger symbol on it, inviting you to push it. You push it, and the front wall of the shell pushes out violently. You've learned a new attack - this isn't just a defense tool anymore, you can now run around and push people around for no reason! Cool!