
On-Yomi: キョ、コ — Kun-Yomi: よ.る

Koohii stories:

1) [aircawn] 17-11-2006(312): When rockclimbing, when your weight disposes of the valuble foothold, all that's left is your fingers keeping you from death. Meanwhile, your walking legs are left dangling in the wind.

2) [AndamanIslander] 10-4-2008(174): Once you have a good foothold, you can dispose of your fingerhold.

3) [RobMow] 18-8-2008(30): If you lose your foothold you will have to hold on for dear life with your fingers as your legs are left dangling in the wind. (Inspired by aircawn.).

4) [harusame] 16-8-2009(25): Break this down into its component parts here. Think of rockclimbing: you must place your fingers and moving legs carefully, always finding a secure foothold so that that wind can't knock you off the rock face.

5) [howdycowdy] 29-3-2008(16): While disposing of trash into a particularly large dumpster, I lost my FOOTHOLD and was left dangling from the dumpster by my fingers.