
On-Yomi: ヨウ — Kun-Yomi: あ.げる、-あ.げ、あ.がる

Koohii stories:

1) [mairov] 2-9-2007(236): My piggy bank is so heavy that I cannot HOIST it using just my fingers.

2) [DrWarrior12] 12-9-2007(157): Picture a major robbery where some dudes are breaking into a bank to steal their money. They get their man in the vault through the ceiling - now he's hanging from a rope a few feet from the ground (like in the movies, dodging laser beams). He reports back that he has found the loot, and its all in a large piggy bank in the center of the vault. The alarm sounds and he's got to think fast. He jams the four fingers of his right hand in the piggy bank slot and tells his team to hoist him up, he's got the loot!

3) [uberclimber] 3-1-2011(35): You will be hoist by the neck if I catch you with your fingers in my piggy bank again! 唐揚げ からあげ deep fried food; 揚代 あげだい fee paid for the services of a geisha or prostitute; 揚々 ようよう triumphant, exultant, in high and proud spirits; 揚陸 ようりく landing, unloading.

4) [mikedough2] 1-7-2008(22): A good way to keep your piggy bank brimming with coins away from the grubby fingers of your siblings is to get a pulley and hoist the thing high up in the air.

5) [howdycowdy] 29-3-2008(13): A crane HOISTS a giant piggybank into the air in the air as a mob of children reach up, fingers outstreached, trying to grab it.