
On-Yomi: セイ、ショウ — Kun-Yomi: まつりごと、まん

Koohii stories:

1) [nagisa] 19-5-2007(219): Those involved in politics are always trying to elect the correct taskmaster.

2) [cosby] 16-7-2008(189): Insane political correctness on the left, and facists taskmasters on the right- thats politics in a nutshell right there.

3) [dtstutz] 5-5-2008(23): The Left is careful to be politically correct in speech. The Right whips people into a frenzy of outrage!

4) [stephan] 14-10-2008(14): Insane political correctness on the left, and a fascist Hitler on the right – thats politics in a nutshell right there.

5) [Pangolin] 3-10-2006(8): I like immacolata's "chief whip" (helps if you are British!) as taskmaster. But let us not forget policital correctness. The taskmaster (chief whip) is there to see that party members observe political correctness at all times, especially in a socialist party, correctness is on the left!