
On-Yomi: トン

Koohii stories:

1) [mantixen] 2-8-2009(27): A taskmaster can be empathetic if she receives something.

2) [blannk] 30-10-2009(11): The 諄 polite (#2706 諄) and 惇 considerate (#2279 惇) tall child grew up to be an empathetic taskmaster.

3) [timcampbell] 31-12-2008(4): The taskmaster was very empathetic when the tall kid explained how his dog had eaten his homework. Yeah, right. And if you believe that one …

4) [kapalama] 20-9-2010(3): 敦子 empathetic (#2931 敦)あつし, あつこ … Parts: 享 , 攵 … Note: Name Kanji read アツシ(guys), アツコ(girls) Girls name written 敦子 … Story: The reason Atsushi (or Atsuko) was so empathetic to the gawky tall fourth grade kid is that they had a classroom Hitler Taskmaster make fun of them for being tall at that age. But they showed him by growing into fleet footed wide receivers. … cf: 諄 polite (#2706 諄), 敦 empathetic (#2931 敦), 淳 immaculate (#2318 淳), 惇 considerate (#2279 惇), 醇 strong saké (#2751 醇).

5) [chibimizuno] 18-8-2009(3): Don't expect to receive any empathetic gestures from that taskmaster!