
On-Yomi: コウ

Koohii stories:

1) [adrianbarritt] 11-2-2008(32): The sun's rays passed through to the very bottom of the limpid pond.

2) [mantixen] 15-2-2007(10): The sun's rays can be seen in a limpid liquid.

3) [wilsoncb] 25-8-2010(6): If something is limpid (meaning clear, transparent, free of obscurity), then, by definition, the rays of the sun can shine down through it.

4) [kapalama] 31-10-2010(3): 晃 limpid (#2446 晃)コウ( 幌 ), 名乗り :あきら(-あき, みつる, てる, ひかる, あきこ) … Parts: 日 , 光 …OR 幌 canopy (#410 幌)- 巾 towel (#2101 巾) … Story: Limpid means clear, but this is just a name. So When Akira takes away the towel from his canopy-like pants tent, you can see that he was in fact limpid, and the towel's canopy shape was from the fold. He was so embarassed he Limp-ed away in shame. Poor Akira.

5) [astridtops] 24-2-2007(3): In the limpid pool, the sun's rays go down deep.