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cloudy weather
On-Yomi: ドン — Kun-Yomi: くも.る
Koohii stories:
1) [dingomick] 6-2-2007(248): Cloudy weather is when a cloud blocks the sun (up above).
2) [ayoung24] 18-9-2007(17): I have difficulty remembering that the rain is ABOVE the clouds, which is not its logical spot. This is cloudy weather, not rainy weather. So I imagine the sun raining down on the clouds instead.
3) [usis35] 29-11-2009(7): DO NOT MISTAKE CLOUD AND CLOUDY WEATHER . Remember that CLOUD is a smaller kanji, as well as a smaller keyword. Also in Japanese it is smaller (kumo vs. kumori).
4) [Harmony] 14-11-2008(7): The sun is above the clouds, the definition of cloudy weather.
5) [kresobilan] 11-4-2008(5): Cloudy weather is actually the English weather: sunny, rainy and cloudy at the same time.