grow late

On-Yomi: コウ — Kun-Yomi: さら、さら.に、ふ.ける、ふ.かす

Koohii stories:

1) [perfecturbo] 28-6-2006(235): It's starting to GROW LATE, so God will take the SUN, and TUCK IT UNDER HIS ARM, and walk away. In the morning, he'll bring it back, so don't worry.

2) [nolusu] 24-7-2007(106): At nightbreak (#30 旦) the sun rises above the floor, so it is logical that when it is growing late, the sun would rise to the ceiling. Time to pack up your things and take your belongings under your arm.

3) [meolox] 24-11-2007(78): I keep one sun tucked under my arm for light when it grows late.

4) [rizzo] 27-10-2005(29): As it begins to grow late the sun projects the shadow of my arm on the ceiling.

5) [uberclimber] 2-3-2011(27): When it is growing late, the sun sinks below the floor. Time to tuck your belongings under your arm and head home. 更ける (ふける) : get late, advance, wear on; 更に (さらに) : furthermore, again, after all, more and more, moreover; 変更 (へんこう) : change, modification, alteration; 夜更け (よふけ) : late at night.