maple tree

On-Yomi: フウ

Koohii stories:

1) [Katsuo] 6-10-2007(45): How do you know if a tree is a maple tree? Easy: Just stand next to the tree on a windy day, and if you get covered in maple syrup, it's a maple tree.

2) [paasan] 24-7-2010(7): Hint: Do not confuse between the wind primitive and the wind (#524 風) kanji. The latter I call wind with gnats. (+Katsuo). How do you know if a tree is a maple tree? Easy: Just stand next to the tree on a windy day, and if you get covered in of maple syrup and gnats, it's a maple tree.

3) [kapalama] 30-4-2011(2): 楓 =花楓*(かえで), maple tree (#2471 楓) 名 :かえで, … Parts: 木 , 風 wind (#524 風) … Story:(Since this is 'always' a name kanji) Getting Wood like a Maple Tree just from the Wind blowing? Not at at all. Kaede is just that sexy. (note the odd reading for the river 楓川 (もみじがわ) for the river in Chuo, tokyo.) .

4) [Neobeo] 17-1-2009(1): MapleStory is a game where you walk around trees against the wind.

5) [taikura] 2-12-2008(1): The maple tree has seeds which are shaped like the blades of a helicoptor. The tree releases the seeds and the wind carries them far East (i.e. the wind Kanji is to the right of the tree Kanji in this character).