
On-Yomi: キン

Koohii stories:

1) [Crowfoot] 27-4-2008(23): I feel elation when I realize the axe murderer is lacking his axe.

2) [Megaqwerty] 29-9-2007(13): I was bored, yawning and such, so I picked up my axe and was suddenly filled with much elation.

3) [to_nihon] 10-2-2009(6): You're stuck in another boring meeting, falling asleep as they go blah, blah, blah. Suddenly the presenter gets this expression of elation on his face, picks up a nearby axe, and starts hacking up the table. Nobody's yawning any more…

4) [kapalama] 18-8-2011(2): 欣求浄土 , 欣喜雀躍 , 欣快 , 欣悦 , 欣然と ,( 中名 : 欣然 =Xinran), elation (#2888 欣) キン ( 斤 ), 仏 : ゴン, … Parts: 斤 , 欠 … Story: Elation is knowing that, if you are injured by Axe, you are covered by Axe-lack. Quack.

5) [mcfate] 4-11-2007(2): "Heeeere's Johnny!" Jack Nicholson said with strange elation in The Shining. He didn't lack an axe as he terrorized his family who was hiding in the bathroom.