

Koohii stories:

1) [mantixen] 31-7-2009(32): A stalwart sow stands up against a missile.

2) [abaddon] 8-6-2008(11): Stand up, sow, missile: See our stalwart hunter standing upon the sow he just shot, his missile launcher still smoking. (Nothing much left of the sow by the way).

3) [Meconium] 9-3-2010(4): During the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban stalwarts stood up to the CIA-trained mercenaries in spite of the bullets and missiles flying through the air.

4) [Crowfoot] 27-6-2008(4): A stalwart pig catches the missile with his vase.

5) [kapalama] 9-8-2010(2): 毅然として , 剛毅な stalwart (#2889 毅) キ ( 名乗り :つよし, こわし, たけし) … Parts: 立 +豕, 殳 … Story: Suffering from a bad case of Stall Warts, the Pig decides to live life Standing Up from now on. But doing so leaves him with a bad case of Windy Crotch (known to humans as flatulence) because of the change in posture, so he keeps a dog around as cover. … 熟語 : … cf:.