On-Yomi: セン
Koohii stories:
1) [synewave] 3-3-2007(41): Fanning the flames with a fan.
2) [astridtops] 18-12-2006(5): With a fan you can be fanning the fire into a bigger fire. Just make sure it doesn't get out of hand…
3) [n1williams] 23-12-2009(1): During 梅雨 (tsuyu - the rainy season) everyone on the train is FANNING themselves. It's as if their trying to remove the FIRE on their bodies with a FAN.
4) [to_nihon] 15-1-2009(1): Anime fans setting Dakota Fanning on fire (for helping dub Totoro…unforgiveable!) and fanning the fire with a fan.
5) [mantixen] 15-2-2007(): A fan is used for fanning a fire.